sumalatha naredla
90Heal is an mobile application which primarily focus on undergraud student mental and improves his academics with tools and techiniques and provides an elaborative facilities to track his mental and academics reports generated by AI and provide detailes analysis of individual students mental health & academic reports to College TPO to monitor indivdual student and we also give QPR support & providing mock interviews for improving student academics as well. we call this entire package as AI success Coach.
Supervised Learning AI Solutions OPC Pvt Ltd
growngage or GuageEngage
Prudhvi P
“We started as an Edutech company in 2018 – supervisedlearning. Our vision was to train excellent data science talent and absorb them to our product teams to be built later.
We did Education also to build a constant sustainable revenue stream to sustain ourself.
Now that our Education side is stable over last 4-5 years, we are building a product for content creators / Social Media influencers. This product is purely data based / AI based and we are currently planning to market this under our other brand Avani.ai.”
IL TalentFarm LLP
Talent Farm
Sudarsan Thyagarajan
Talent farm is an AI enabled platform that will let students pick up problem statements sourced from the Industry and solve them with the help of Industry mentors and learning. AI algorithms generate insights from this journey which helps us assist students better with recommendations and nudges where needed while employers use such insights around learning behaviour and personality traits to make the right hiring decisions. It is our mission to bridge the gap between Colleges and Corporates with our AI enabled experiential Learning platform